1 paper pack, 10 projects


Non scrapbooks and hesitant crafters always think that scrapbook paper is for scrapbooking only. But im here to prove them wrong. Sometimes those ginormous paper packs can seem overwhelming and a waste of money, but im here to give you hope and ideas. I can guarantee that if you find a paper pad that you love enough you can find tons of ways to use it all, well some are rather large so lets not get crazy.

So here's how the challenge got started, I found a paper pad I love, at a discounted price of course. at Michael's and Hobby Lobby you can get the huge ones half off on sale or with a coupon. The challenge is to find 10 completely different projects to use with the paper. Simple, fun projects. So grab your paper pad and play along! Check in tomorrow for the first project!edited papers

I'll be using this paper pad on top, Recollections: The Sweetest Thing, I am completely in love with the pretty girly papers and the wide variety of colors and patterns. Those are 2 of the main things I look for when choosing these packs, as I don't want to invest money and have them lying around if im not going to use them and I can always switch a few pages with other scrapbook paper hoarding friends! What are your favorite paper pads? Do share!


Diy journals


I choose...