6/52 Portraits: Hiding

Light-Dark-blogI'm hiding. I'm torn between two worlds. I am unsure. Embarrassed. Awkward. I don't really know the clear line or definition. I went to social work school, got a degree and job in social work. So I'm a social worker. I have no problem to say this out loud and am quite proud of what I have accomplished and am competent in my skills. But to say out loud that I am an artist. I don't know if I can. Who determines this? How do I prove my skills, my education, my accomplishments, my competence? I am an artist because I say I am? Because you say I am? Am I an artist after I have painted 1000 paintings? Am I an artists after my website says so? My business cards? After I have sold paintings and supported my household on this income? Am I an artist all on my own, because I choose to be? Because I say so? I am an artist?52 Portraits is a photography course in self discovery by Vanessa and is hosted through Get Messy Art Journal. The course is a year-long journey in using photography and words to turn your reflection inward and capture who you are at this phase in your life. Learn more and join the course here. See all of my portraits here. 


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