Adventures in pattern making: around the house

Adventures in Pattern Making- Around the house by Lauren LikesThe other night I started doodling and painting with my watercolors. No real direction or plan, just painting patterns. I ran out of ideas, so I perused Pinterest for a bit. I painted some patterns off of there. Then I went to start cooking dinner and saw the stove. There was a pattern in how the burners were layed out. Then I looked around and realized there were patterns on literally every surface of the house. Traditional ones, funky ones, weird ones. Everywhere! So I ran back into my craft room and began painting. Every time I finished a few I would run through the house scanning for more. I came up with a ton! I even challenged myself to find the pieces of the house that annoyed me the most to see the patterns/shapes/designs in them and those paintings turned out to be some of my favorites!This was such a fun and easy excersize that got me practicing my painting skills, trained my eye to find inspiration from around my surroundings and I came out with some really cool cards that I can use in my Project Life or art journal. Win, Win, Win!What are you inspired by? Take a look around and see what patterns and designs you see in your world and use that. See where it takes you! I think this could be a really cool excersize that you could do frequently. Maybe go on a photo walk and then bring your photos back and paint the patterns you see in them. Or take your paints outside! Or challenge yourself to see patterns in different areas, etc. Oh the possibilities....IMG_6477 IMG_64782015-05-04 19.58.18 2015-05-05 15.37.01 2015-05-05 15.39.282015-05-05 15.38.04 2015-05-05 15.41.03 2015-05-05 15.44.102015-05-05 15.42.11 2015-05-05 15.45.39   2015-05-05 15.46.502015-05-05 15.43.102015-05-05 21.58.20


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