February Currently

I can't believe it's already mid February and I haven't done a Currently post! Last year, I did a long, fantastic Currently post almost every month of things I was loving and doing at the time. But, sadly those post are still just sitting on this blog and never made their way into my Project Life album. This year, I've decided to actually use them by using Kristin's Currently cards. At first I thought I would feel cornered only being able to use the few prompts she had. But, as I started using them Ive realized they are spot on. They summarize the things I really value perfectly. I am always reading, watching something, listening to music and making things. So these references are spot on for me. And the loving, feeling, planning; well who wouldn't those work for?! So, without further ado here is my February card! 2014-02-12 14.25.44Kristin has shared her original black and white printable card for free for everyone and she creates a new one each month. Obviously, February's is a fantastic fuchsia. And she shared the digital version for free with code xoxo!This month I went with the digital version as I'm not such a fan of my handwriting and tend to not do well under pressure and in small writing spaces. I opened it in the A Beautiful Mess app and added the text, which took way longer than writing, but it comes out exactly the want you want. So far I like doing my currently journaling on a monthly basis, but the great thing about these cards is 1. you can print/digitally edit as many as you like and 2. they are simple and versatile so they can be used as often or as infrequently as you want and 3. they literally take less than 5 minutes to do!If you noticed we're planning 'a big surprise announcement', then that will tell you why I didn't show my January card because the announcement is referenced there. But, ill share that card when I share my PL spread. I'll share the announcement this week on the blog, so get excited!Also, why did I wait so long to watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty?! Seriously, the year has only begun, but this movie is at the top of the list. Its going to take some serious effort for it to get replaced.How are you documenting your current interests, events and feelings right now? How are you displaying them and how often?


Project Life Week 2


DIY 2014 Planner