Get Messy 21 Color Wheels & October Prompt

I saw a color wheel (somewhere, I can't remember where anymore) and was immediately struck with the fact that I HAD TO MAKE ONE IMMEDIATELY. Out of that need bloomed these pages. This was a super fun activity and was very challenging creatively, but in a different sense. It really made me learn my paints, was great practice using them and stretched my color coordination knowledge. I love how this page turned out and in perfect timing, I received my new Elise Joy stamps  yesterday and knew that magic one was the perfect finishing touch for these pages. Now I can refer back to this page when choosing colors for other projects.Practice makes perfect right?!Color Wheel Art Journal from Lauren LikesHow the prompts will work: The 6 main hosts of Get Messy will rotate creating prompts each month. On the first Thursday of the month, the new prompt will be announced (always on my blog) for you to participate too! You have about a month to complete your page(s) inspired by this prompt. Then we want you to return here (again, always on my blog) on the last Thursday of the month to participate in a fun link up so we can all admire your creation! Ok? OK! This week's prompt comes from the watercolor genius Olya! Journaling Challenge: Gratitude. What are you grateful for? What aspects of your life are you thankful for, that you might be overlooking while being busy?Art Challenge: Use visual examples for at least three things you're grateful for. Photos/doodles/magazine cut outs/stickers/anything. SHOW us your gratitude!We cant wait to see what you create at the end of October for the link up! Get Messy is not taking new participants at this time, due to how large the group is currently, but we would love it if you would share your art journal creations with us via the #getmessyartjournal on instagram and please participate in the link ups!Ps If you haven't visited the hashtag it has over 1000 photos now! WOW!2014-10-01 22.14.00GetMessy2

Get Messy is an art journal challenge where a gang of crafty vixens are sharing art journal pages we have created to practice our skills and push past our creative limits with hopes to inspire. We share our pages without restraint every week, and once a month we create around a prompt. Go check out these crazy talented ladies who are creating pages who each have a unique perspective and style. We will be sharing our work around social media so follow the hashtag #getmessyartjournal.


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