Get Messy Art Journal 101

GetMessy-large-02This week is one of the most exciting in a long time! Its been a week full of fun announcements and there are more coming! Today I'm excited to finally be able to announce that Get Messy Art Journal has teamed up with Big Picture Classes to bring you a brand new ecourse: Art Journaling 101! Big Picture Classes has always been one of my dream places to teach for and when they reached out to Caylee and I we were over the moon excited! BPC is a treasure box. They teach craft courses online and they are the meca of craftiness. They recently changed their program and they are a membership program. You pay a recurring 9$ fee each month and have unlimited access to all of their courses. They teach classes ranging from tech skills to Bible Journaling to scrapbooking and more. Some of my recent favorite classes I've taken are Paint & Pixels and Text Tricks. Our course is an introduction to Art Journaling. We will walk you through each and every step to starting this amazing craft. We help you choose an art journal, what tools to use, what to put in your art journal. We will teach you tons of different art techniques to use, give you prompts to create around, help you set and establish a habit and show you how to find inspiration.If you have been watching the Get Messy community and wanted to join in, but were unsure if art journaling was for you, this is the perfect introduction. If you are already an art journaler but would like to learn some new art techniques or maybe you need some help staying committed to your journaling this class is for you too. Whatever your skill level, you are invited. Especially if you aren't sure about art journaling this will be the perfect way for you to dip your toe into the water.And if that isn't exciting enough to get you registered, Big Picture Classes will sweeten the deal. Anyone can register for a free two-week trial, which is long enough for you to take our class. And, in case that isn't enough, when you register, even for your free trial, you have access to their ENTIRE database of classes. It seriously doesn't get any better than that.The class starts May 11th. So you will want to wait a bit to register (if you are going to do the free trial) so you will have plenty of time to do the whole class and there is a LOT of content in there. We hope you are just as excited as we are about this class! I'll be back to remind you when the class starts in a few days![video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] 


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