How She Creates: Ep 017 - Collaboration with the Zine Squad

How She Creates Ep 017 - Collaboration with the Zine SquadThe Zine Squad is a force to be reckoned with! These three ladies have created an incredible art tribe centered around giving the gift of art to others. The Zine Squad met through Get Messy and began creating collaborative zines or little books together and decided to turn it into an entire network of secret art elves. They share their tips and secrets behind how they create, organize and surprise each recipient. Creating collaborative art forces you to let go of your own perfectionism, trust your fellow artists and find your value is so much more when added up together. Listen in today as they share obstacles, inspiration and tips to start your own zine squad.

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Episode Takeaways and Artist Actions

  • How to make a collaborative zine:
    • Invite friends to make a zine with you
    • Build a simple base for your book
    • Choose a theme
    • Choose a mailing schedule
    • Make your pages
    • Mail it to the next creator
    • Final creator scans or photographs the entire book
    • Mail it to the lucky recipient! *bonus points if it's a surprise!

Resources and Tools

Please note that some of these are affiliate links. As always, we'd never recommend anything we (or the artists) don't truly love.



Julia Cusworth

Julia is a designer, animal lover and colour enthusiast from the north of Englandsm-rss sm-i sm-tHow She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad

Katie Smith

Katie is an artist and crafter. She shares her work on her blog, Punk Projects, which consists of everything from art journals and scrapbook layouts to DIY projects. Katie has been published in multiple magazines including Creating Keepsakes, Stitch Craft Create as well as craft books such as Star Trek Crafts and Craft it sm-i sm-f sm-tHow She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad

Vanessa Oliver-Lloyd

Vanessa is an archaeologist and an artist. Both sides of her personality combine and express themselves through art journaling. She loves to collaborate with different artists because it entices her to try new techniques and push her sm-i sm-f sm-p How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad How She Creates - Collaboration with the Zine Squad


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