How to art journal your feels

How to use art journaling to process your emotions.

Let's talk about getting all up in your feels...

Yep. It's time. The feels are coming. 

Whether its holiday feels or new years feels or stress feels or mean internet comment feels....there are a lot of feels going around lately and people like to share them. 

They share their feels, hoping you feel them too, hoping you will alleviate them for them and in turn they cause you to have more feels. And we won't even start on your own feels....

Feels - everywhere.

Wait - just me? Nope? Didn't think so. 

Today I had a lot of feels. 

Lucky for me my own course about processing your emotions through your art came out yesterday. 

How to use art journaling to process your emotions and express yourself.

Yep. It could not have been a better time for me to have a conversation with me and set me straight. 

Here is what I like to do when I start getting the feels - especially internet-related ones - I turn to the internet! 

I procrastinate! I scroll! I vent to strangers on the internet! 


Instead of indulging in my normal bad habits (that leave me stewing in the bad feels and feeling worse), I opened my art journal,I began free-form journaling and had a little chat with myself, thought about the colors that represented my emotions right now, literally finger painted and followed my own tutorial and created the page above. 

Spoiler alert: I felt a million times better and was able to let go of some of the negative feels by the end of this session. 

How to use art journaling to process your emotions and express yourself.

Here's a snippet of the pep talk I had with myself underneath that paint: 

Instead of turning to negative behaviors like scrolling and stewing and venting, I should turn to positive behaviors like art + friends. Then I was able to summarize my situations with the text on the page on top, with the final lesson I learned from my meditative art time today: 

It's about them, it's not about you (me). 

My Creative Challenge To You: 

Turn to your art today. Finger paint. Get Messy. Do whatever helps you get your feels out. Take time to think through your feels and find a lesson or solution. It will come to you. 

Need a friend to walk you through this process, step by step, in video form? I'm literally here for you - like quasi in person here for you! My course Meditative Art Journaling walks you through this exact process, binding your own feels book and Caylee's process for this. 

Comment and tell me the lesson you learn from your meditative art today. I would love to know! 

How to use art journaling to process your emotions and express yourself.


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