July Snail Mail Exchange link up & August sign ups

I think my greatest struggle is knowing when to say no, that Im overwhelmed, overloading or ya know moving all the way across the world....Well thankfully I didn't say no to this months snail mail pairings! Even in the KARAZY move I still really enjoyed getting to know someone new and putting together a fun package for a new friend! Oh and knowing that a package would be meeting me in Korea is a super fun feeling!!This month I was paired with Ruby from wwww.RubyPerla.weebly.com. What I noticed immediately was her spunkiness and how fun she is. Ruby lives in New Mexico, which is one of my FAVORITE states with her adorable little guy and BF. Ruby and I had a lot in common with our general love for all thing sweet and crafty. I wished I lived in New Mexico so we could bake cupcakes together while playing with Project Life! Go check out some of her adorable pages!!You can see what I sent Ruby here. Since Im waiting on her package to come in (my first international mail!!) This is what I sent her, but go to her blog to read more about it!imageIf you would like to participate, sign up for a partner for August here. If you had an amazing partner for July, please be sure to write a blog post about it and link up here!  

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