A list of goodbyes

Dealing with grief when moving by Lauren Likes As part of our training for Korea, we talked alot about transitions and the grief process. One of our counselors suggested we make a list of the things we are losing or saying goodbye to. And you know how I love a good list....Some of these are silly and this really more of a brain dump post for me to look back on and use as a journaling space, but maybe some of you can relate. Maybe some of you who have moved and are having trouble letting go of some things back 'home' and need to make one of these too! Here we go, in no order of significance or pertinence to life. Most of these are things and I am ok with that. I need to have closure with them and move on and to look forward to the new things ahead.

  1. our home
  2. our cars
  3. our church
  4. downtown athens
  5. food in athens
  6. my job at the hospital
  7. my job a the school
  8. my garden
  9. my plants
  10. my craftroom
  11. tons of clothes
  12. plug ins that fit our things that need plugging
  13. my bathtub with the shelf to hold snacks
  14. my giant walk in closets
  15. the crazy neighbor lady
  16. my walgreens within walking distance
  17. the weird, but super cheap video store
  18. chic fil a
  19. my college girls bible study ladies
  20. our adult small group
  21. the riverwalk
  22. the pool
  23. ikea
  24. target
  25. listening to books on tape on my drive home
  26. the library
  27. scrapbook and cheap craft stores
  28. the USPS (you can only understand this if you have lived overseas)
  29. the imperial system
  30. being able to understand the language around me
  31. comfort foods like biscuits and sweet tea
  32. Bojangles
  33. Aldi
  34. UGA concerts
  35. Sake Express
  36. real time, non stop group texting with the FBG
  37. Walmart
  38. easy to navigate streets
  39. mentors
  40. watching our friends children grow up
  41. pedicures with mom
  42. phone conversations as I drive home from work
  43. time zone sharing
  44. Charleston
  45. hipster stores
  46. my well functioning office space
  47. the neighbourhood pool we snuck into
  48. driving somewhere really quickly
  49. food in names i recognise
  50. mild winters
  51. clothes that fit
  52. American smells
  53. free shipping from amazon
  54. websites that aren't restricted
  55. shows i love to watch
  56. items in bulk
  57. large items
  58. worship at Athens Church
  59. family within driving distance
  60. really thick, soft carpet

What have you had to say goodbye to when moving?


Get Messy 14


Lets catch up on Project Life (in the making)