Lost things and found people

I lost two of my SD cards. With new photos on them. They fell out in a cab. Our wonderful school staff are trying to find them for me and are going above and beyond what they should to do it. I probably wont get them back. I've had multiple melt downs over this already. My sweet husband went out and bought me a new SUPER GIANT SD card to replace them that night. Then I got this in the mail from Vanessa just a few hours after I lost them. I sat in the cafeteria and couldn't really look at it because I knew I was going to have another meltdown. My coworker who witnessed the initial meltdown checked in on my 3 times during the day.I lost the photos from our weekend trip and some random other things. But I found that at least 5 five people were willing to help me, care for and love me, all in one day, when I couldn't do those things for myself. I'm still a little weepy when I think of the lost photos and a little embarrassed of how weepy I am, but I am eternally grateful for my people. I will be sure to not lose them.This is a copy of the zine that Vanessa sent. IMG_6937 IMG_6939IMG_6940IMG_6935IMG_6936


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