My deep, dark, alternate life secret...

Here's a little secret of mine. My dream was to go to art school. But my sensible self knew that getting a degree in social work was the right thing to do. I would always have a job. I would be helping people. And honestly it was a lot less work than art school. Well, now that I'm a grown up with a job in Social work, that I love, I have found other ways to fill that desire: art classes. The beauty of the internet is that you can take legit art classes online and for cheap. Now these don't get you any credit or anything, but that's not what I'm after. So, I finally stepped up and am learning something new. I'm learning from a real life designer. I'm pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone. I'm taking a class at Skillshare called Hand lettering. I have created an original quote and am working on illustrating it myself. One of the first steps was to create a mood board. My quote has 2 themes, so I made 2 boards. You can see all the images I pinned here, but these were the ones I felt told my story best. Any guess at what my quote is about?! If you would like to take a class, use this link and receive $10 off! board 11-skillshare classMood board 22-skillshare class1


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