November iChoose

I am hooked. Setting iChoose goals has changed me. Well, maybe its made me feel so much more accomplished and encouraged. I had a great time completing my October iChoose goals (you can read about them here and a few more posts are still to come) and I am really excited to get started on November's goals.20131030-195544.jpgSo this month here are my plans:

  • Turn 25
  • New do: Get a haircut
  • Christmas craft
  • #TLHwalk30
  • Scrapbook 15
  • Be a tourist

My birthday is Monday, Nov 4th and I turn 25. I plan on enjoying this age and really soaking it in. I need a haircut, it will be a little birthday present to myself. I only get one every 6 months and I go to a salon that makes me feel like im not cool enough to be there but they let me in the club for some reason;  it is such a treat. I need to start working on Christmas gifts! So my plan is to have a ton of them done in November so December is an enjoyable time. Last month I wanted to keep up with our #hoopersonfoot walks and have fallen even more in love with them, so Terrell and I want to challenge ourselves to go for a walk everyday in November and document it with #TLHwalk30. Im taking the Lifted class from Studio Calico and I want to complete at least 15 of the scrapbook and Project Life layout/challenges from the class this month. Last, I want to a be a tourist! We are spending Thanksgiving with our sweet, sweet friends in NYC. Ive been to that city a ton of times, but you can never finish being a tourist there, that's part of its magic.So jump on board and follow along with this months iChoose! What are your November goals?!NaBloPoMo November 2013This post is a part of the National Blog Posting Month Challenge. You can see a list of more blogs participating in this challenge here and see a full list of my posts here. 




Crickets, Creeks & Campfires