The Ultimate Guide to Building a Toolbox for Crafters


The ultimate guide to building a toolbox for crafters by Lauren-LikesVery frequently I get asked what tools I use to create with. Many people assume you have to a have a lot of very expensive and fancy tools to be an artist, but you don't! You can literally create things with anything you find at your fingertips. To me the most distracting and confusing part of creating and acquiring the necessities is sorting out the tools versus the fancy and fun embellishments people have.This  is a list of tools. Not Embellishments.*An embellishment is what I am referring to as the pretty extra add-ons. The parts and ways you chose to express yourself. Example: the color of a tool of choice, the actual stamps, papers, inks, etc. The extras. The not necessary but the oh so fun and expensive parts! For example the stamp mount, everyone needs, but what type of stamp or color ink you have is your choice and is an 'embellishment'.This is my list of tools I use on a weekly/daily basis to create literally any and every project I've ever made. This obviously doesn't include power tools or ways to hang things, etc. It is the bare bones of what you need to create.ultimate guide to building a toolbox for crafters by Lauren-Likes

  1. Mixed sized book rings. The possibilities are endless.
  2. Any camera you can find. Instax pictured here.
  3. Hot glue gun. If I could carry one in my purse I would.
  4. Small clear stamp mounting block
  5. Black ink pad: Stazon, is the best.
  6. Baby wipes for cleaning stamps, etc.
  7. My iPhone. Photos, editing, inspiration, etc.
  8. Hole puncher: right now I use a regular, run of the mill office single hole punch. It gets the job done wonderfully. But I would like to upgrade to a Crop-A-Dile as it punches through multiple pages and really thick surfaces. Again not necessary to buy anything fancy and you probably already have this!
  9. Dual tip glue pens from Hobby Lobby
  10. Small stapler not a "Tiny Attacher", works like a gem!
  11. Tape runner, these are totally by preference. But I use them on WAY more than just scrapbook projects.
  12. Corner rounder. These last forever and add a fancy touch to any paper project!
  13. Creative Memories scissors. Good, sharp scissors are the crafters holy grail.
  14. Mixed pack of paintbrushes
  15. Black Micron pen A good pen goes a long way. Find one you love!
  16. Creative Memories Circle Cutter. Circles for life.
  17. Magnetic pin cushion plus sewing machine. Even a basic knowledge of how to sew goes a long way in the world of crafting!
  18. Xacto Knife. Every day use.
  19. Fiskars Delux Paper Trimmer. Again, not just for scrapbookers, EVERYONE NEEDS TO CUT PAPER STRAIGHT!
  20. Fabric cutter
  21. Self Healing Cutting Mat. Everyday use.
  22. Mod Podge  Every day use, I would eat it if I could.

This is my list. These are the things that are my go to tools. Most of them have been slowly accumulated as I've completed projects or learned new skills, but many of these are things that you likely already have hanging out in your home office! All you need to do is look around to what is at your fingertips and start creating!Please share your favorite tools, I'm always looking to expand my toolbox! *Some links are affiliate. This is just an experiment to see if this is something I would like to try. If you purchase through some of these links I will receive a very small commission, but all opinions are my own and I would only every promote things that I use and love! 


Go say hey to Caylee Grey!


Project Life Week 18