Week in the Life//The Photos Part I

IMG_0360Week in the life came and went like any other week in our life did. I shared my laid back, more theme focused approach here. I tried to capture in categories centered around documenting our current way of life more than every little detail of our life. These are the photos broken down into themes.Food: Groceries, street snacking and eating out  IMG_0339IMG_0340IMG_0341IMG_0347  FeetIMG_0639 IMG_0638 IMG_0568 IMG_0600Transportation: Buses, Taxis, Walking Feet & ScootersIMG_0425 IMG_0444 IMG_0605 IMG_0407 IMG_0428

Around our home and neighborhood:

IMG_0366 IMG_0417 IMG_0454 IMG_0370 streetThese are just small glimpses of what it looks like where we live, eat, shop and how we do that. It was important for me to document these things as they are the hard to describe but easy to show, if you have the photos. These are the everyday sights that are ordinary to me, therefore easy to forget to capture, but unordinary to others and will be extraordinary 30 years from now. More to come.


Week in the Life//The Photos Part II


Accomplishing Life Goals: Making A Quilt