Young House Love book signing!


I wanted to title this post: How to play it cool when meeting your blogging heroes. But who I am kidding, that is the opposite of my life.

AHHHHHHH!!!! Ok now that that part is out of the way, let me tell you all about the Young House Love book signing in Hotlanta last night....

So, my girlfriends and I have been anxiously awaiting this moment for months. Well, last-minute EVERYONE bailed on me. It was like a knife to the heart. I was so disappointed and because I'm a wimp I couldn't go alone. So I tried and failed to con random others into going before my hunky-knight-wonderful-fantastic-delicious-hilarious-kind-sweet-and-incredible-husband stepped up and volunteered to go with me! YAY! So many bonus points earned and a few crowns in heaven I'm sure.2-IMG_2570

So, I leave work early, I pack snacks and I'm all kinds of ready when the time comes. We drove the hour and half to the Flor store in Atlanta, got great (free) parking, got there right on time, there are only about 10 people in line and then I see totally normal people walking down the street. Katie and Jeremy Bower and baby Westin. I just knew they would be there! But I didn't know they used the same normal roads and walked like us nobodys. I mean where was the red carpet?!

Of course, I got all awkward and just creepily walked behind them like a stalker. They went in ahead of us though before the store opened. So we jump in line and are ready to go before Terrell says..."Umm, Lauren I think THAT is the line"...I turned, look around the corner and yes I have just cut in front of 3,000 of my closest YHL Atlanta friends...woops.

So, we literally wind through an incredibly long line. Wait 2 hours in the freezing cold while the sky spits at us. (that is the best illustration I can give about the weird amount of rain).

But, then it happens, I can seeeeeee them.....creeper statement alert.

I'm so nervous, do I act like I'm so excited I could pee? Am I nonchalant, ya know whatev's I waited in line 2 hours to meet you, but your OK? So...I walk up...I say..."Hi, I'm good how are you? Sure we want a picture. Ok, thanks."


Seriously. What is wrong with me? I can have a 3 hour conversation about emojis (ya know those weird little text icons on your phone). But to the people whose blog/life I have been stalking and obsessed with for years, all I can say is Hi?!?!

So they sign, they smile, it was fabulous. Truly it was. If I could do it over, I would be just as awkward. They were so incredibly nice. To Everyone. They sat there for hours and were just as excited and friendly and gracious and charming to EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. Seriously. They also received a ridiculous amount of gifts, some completely phenomenal, which I know they will show off on the blog. Some incredibly weird.


Then, I met the real stars of this party. Katie and Jeremy Bower. This is the moment where I remembered how to speak again. Over in a corner, with a ridiculously long line are Katie, Jeremy and Westin (who is being unbelievably adorable and smiling at people). I am amazed with this woman. I sat for an hour and watched her have the most intentional, personal conversations with complete strangers. One after the other. People in her line were getting frustrated over how long she was talking to people. But once you got up there and started talking to her, time just slipped away. Terrell and I talked to her and Jeremy for a few minutes, because we didn't want to hold up the line, but it was like talking to old friends. They were just so real and personable. We had so many things in common with them, like Athens, so conversation was easy. But good golly miss molly. They were so nice. and funny. and welcoming. and normal. and encouraging. Somehow we found ourselves spilling our life goals with them.3-IMG_2568

This whole blog-friends-in-real-thing is new to me. But it is true. And I am so glad I got to experience a little taste of it last night. It was absolutely worth the drive, the cold, the wait. It was fantastic. It was my little blog-stalker-dream come true. Nothing glitzy, just normal people, who write awesome blogs, sharing their lives with others.

If you don't read their blogs, check them out, RIGHT NOW!

If you havent picked up their book, I guarantee you will not regret it!

And a shout out to Flor, there was free food from West Egg Cafe and a free photobooth. Seriously, it was a fantastic night!


Hey Girl, Happy Valentines Day


Tips for buying and restyling vintage jewelry