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The Creative Collab: Nurture Your Creativity (aka craft night!)

Are you a small, creative business in the Triangle? Are you looking for a community of other makers to learn from, connect with and make strides in your business? Join us for our monthly community education night: The Creative Collab.

Each month we discuss a different topic pertinent to our businesses. There will be a short teaching on the topic and then a guided discussion in smaller mastermind style groups where you’ll get to ask questions, make plans and get specific feedback on your business to help you grow.

This month we’re nurturing our creativity! AKA CRAFT NIGHT!! Come prepared to have a fun, relaxing night of crafting and chatting about all things creativity. Well bring all the supplies to collage, paint, etc but feel free to bring anything you’d like to share.

This event is for any small business! We have makers, authors, artists, florists, and so many more incredible creatives join us. And Ps, we’ll have snacks!

To register, simply Venmo @LaurenLikesArt $10 and include your email address and we’ll see you there! Message or email me with any questions.

September 29

Triangle Creators: Creator Meet Up (Panelist Speaker!)

October 13

Norwood Gardens Farmers Market