I been Slippin' yo

The basis of Project Life is 'Slipping cards into pockets'. I've been trying to embrace this idea with my layouts lately in an attempt to catch up and I love the simplicity of that look! I was more than 3 months behind and I have been in overdrive trying to catch up and I have! I'm officially working week to week. I printed out a ton of photos at one time and caught about half way up. But was a little overwhelmed with the amount I had and really struggled with the layouts. Once I finished those spreads I tried a new technique. I created a little book, like this one, to write quick little notes about my weeks to keep things in order and remember dates, memorabilia, etc. So then I started printing only a week at time and having the layouts planned. It has made my spreads happen in record time and gave me the energy to keep going. So, I've updated the Project Life Page up to about 2 weeks ago, so go check it out. Here are a few detail shots of some cards that I love: 03-IMG_4495I just tucked the Polaroids into the pockets so they move around a little. 07-IMG_4504 10-IMG_4507I saved a receipt from a grocery trip and tucked it into a pocket so I can remember one day many years from now how we ate 2 weeks worth of groceries for $110. 12-IMG_4510 13-IMG_4511***Fortune cookie magic. 15-IMG_4514I am always so inspired by Finding Nana's PL and how she grounds her little photos and how she uses so many different small photos. My goal was to use 3 different elements on this one card like she does. I love how it turned out and it helps use stash so much more quickly! 16-IMG_4515I love the simplicity of this one. And jeez I love the postcard from our sweet friends in NYC! If you have a PL leave your link, I would love to look around! NaBloPoMo November 2013This post is a part of the National Blog Posting Month Challenge. You can see a list of more blogs participating in this challenge here and see a full list of my posts here.


Finish 4: Book Review


Hello 25, nice to meet you