Tips for taking great photos of your furry BFFs

Tips for taking great photos of your furry BFFS using only your phone. Click through to start taking great snaps now

Tips for how to get a great picture of your little bestie:

🐶Bribery! Lots of treats and asking for sits!

🐈Make sure they’re tired. If Laz is too hyped up, sitting still is not an option but about halfway through a walk, he is willing to sit and hold still for a few seconds vs at the beginning.

🐰Use Live Photo. (Ugh, I know I hate it but!) It’s great for catching those action shots and then when you hit ‘edit’ and choose the circle icon (bottom left), you can scroll over to choose the best shot. For normal everyday photos, I DONT recommend Live but for squirmy pups it's great! Turn it off and on by tapping the circle in the top right.⠀

🐷Get low. Get down on their level and even a little below their eye level so you’ll be able to see more than the tops of their backs.

🐻Use the Retouch appto remove leashes or random items (like a treat).

🐥Be quick and know when to give in! Pups patience is short, so have your camera ready and snap snap snap and then quit before they pounce on your phone like Laz will! NO PUPARAZZII!

🦋Zoom out! If you can’t get them to sit still, zoom out and get an action shot. Remember, to stay low and snap away! Live photos are a great option here again.

Ok! Your turn. Tell me your best tips when it comes to shooting your favorite furry friends.

This tip is part of my #laurenlikesphotographytips which I share every Wednesday on instagram. Be sure to hit save on these posts so you can revisit them when you need a refresher and don’t forget you can follow hashtags so you never miss a tip!

Ps. Want more tips for taking amazing photos? Check out my Phone Photography 101 Course here.


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