New Zealand Minibook Video

Making a minibook while travelling video walk through by Lauren Likes BlogOne problem scrapbookers run into is the 'ever behind' dilemma. You have so many wonderful events and memories that you want to document in a beautiful album but you know you will never be caught up. And that is just the way it is. But a way that I have been able to stay, at least, current is by making minibooks WHILE I am on a trip because I know that if I wait until I get home it will just go onto the pile of 'someday projects'.I have perfected the art of making books while travelling and have taught a whole class on it over at Big Picture Classes.  In the video below I will walk you through my latest book made using this method. notes:On The Go Mini at Big Picture ClassesStamps from Moment StempelWhat I have learned postsLet me know if you have taken the class or if you use a method similar to mine! I would love to hear your experiences!Making a minibook while travelling video walk through by Lauren Likes Blog Making a minibook while travelling video walk through by Lauren Likes Blog Making a minibook while travelling video walk through by Lauren Likes Blog


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